Support the Forum

The Forum depends on your generosity to continue its mission. Please consider contributing to the 2021 Fundraising Campaign:

"I thank you for this initiative, by which you wish to offer a concrete testimony to help the most vulnerable be accepted and included, and thus to make our world a 'common home'”.

Pope Francis to the Forum Assembly


Forum 2021
Fundraising campaign

$ 100,000
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Message of Pope Francis

to the Forum

Dear friends, the Church and the Pope need your work, your commitment and your witness at the frontiers of the international community...Move forward with courage and ever-renewed hope.

Pope emeritus Benedict XVI

To the Forum

What is needed, in fact, is a spirit of solidarity conducive for promoting as a body those ethical principles which, by their very nature and their role as the basis of social life, remain non-negotiable.

Thematic Groups

The Thematic Groups of the Forum meet regularly.
Contact the Secretariat for more information.

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The Forum Blog

New solutions are “to be found together in the light of an integral vision of man, reflecting the different aspects of the human person, contemplated through a lens purified by charity”
(Caritas in Veritate, 32).